How to have stronger healthier nails: 7 home remedies

We have all struggled with waiting for months to grow perfect long nails but they never grow stronger enough to last for long and are often so brittle that they break. Well, we have got some tips for you to make your nails healthier!

7 Home Remedies for Healthier NailsHow to have stronger healthier nails 7 home remedies

Tea Tree Oil and Vitamin E oil

Mix a capsule of Vitamin E oil with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil and apply it onto your nails and cuticles. This will give you softer hands and with the antibacterial properties of tea tree oil, your nails will be protected from germs and with the help of vitamin E oil your nails will grow stronger and firmer.

Olive Oil

Take a bowl, pour some olive oil in it and dip your fingernails for 20 minutes in it once a day. Olive oil will help lock in the moisture and stop your nails from drying out and becoming so brittle that they break. This will also give your nails a much shinier look.

Coconut Oil and Honey

Warm-up a quarter of a cup of Coconut oil with the same amount of honey in a bowl. It should be hot rather it should be warm. Dip your fingernails into the solution for 15-20 minutes for thrice a week to reveal healthy nails.

Coconut is a fatty oil that helps your nails to stay moisturized and will help keep your hands moisturized even in the harsh weather. Honey will also act as a supplement moisturizer which its anti-aging properties will make your hands look younger and radiant for longer.

Tomato Juice and Olive oil

Mix together two tablespoons of olive oil with the juice of one normal-sized tomato. Apply this paste onto your nails and hands and let it stay on for 15-20 minutes. Afterward, rinse off with warm water.

Tomato will help brighten up your hands and remove the yellow tint from nails due to oxidization and will keep your nails looking healthier for longer. Repeat this process once weekly as it may make your skin dry if done for more than the recommended number of times.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Castor oil

Take a tablespoon each of both the ingredients. Mix them up and apply them to your hands. Castor oil is known to trigger growth so it will help you grow your nails faster. While ACV is an anti-oxidant that will keep your nails hydrated and healthy and will protect your nails against any bacterial infections.

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These are some of the remedies one can try at home. These are reasonably simple as these ingredients are already present in one’s kitchen. So it’s a simple way to look beautiful and stay healthy.

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