7 Easy Steps To Make Flower Vase From Fomic Sheet

7 Easy Steps To Make Flower Vase From Fomic Sheet

This is the DIY (Do It Yourself) style on how to create flower vase from just using fomic sheets.Follow the 7 steps given and see pictures clearly.

You don’t need to buy handmade items from market now because there are many handmade flower vase ideas on internet and in this article i am going to show you how to make handmade flower vase and its totally cheap flower vases idea.

Flower vases play a vital role in order to decorate a room or the surface of a table. vase glass are used as centerpieces on the table.Mostly little sizes flower vases are used on tables. Decorative glass vases enhance the beauty of ur living rooms. At whatever place you are going to keep little or big flower vase the important thing is that your vase must look appealing & beautiful.

These flower vase are easy to make plus it’s the cheapest idea to décor home or offices and you have ideas for homemade gifts . These flowers for flower vase are made by using colorful fomic sheets.You can choose the color combinations that you like.

Now let me tell you in detail about what items you need to make flower vase and how to create these flowers that can add beauty into your glass vase.As u can keep these hand made flowers in a glass jar so we can say flower vase or glass vase to this.

Things Needed

Step 1(Cutting Of Fomic Sheet In To Strips)

First you have to cut the strips from the fomic sheet to make it more colorful use combination of different colors.

Step 2 (Cutting Of Strips To Make Flower)

Now you have to cut the strips to make a flower type shape take 1 strip and fold the strip vertically and cut it like shown in the the same step with all other strips to make number of flowers for the flower vase.

Step 3(Shape The Strips In To Flower)

Now take 1 strip and fold it as shown and after folding pin it with a common pin do the same step with all other cut strips for the purpose of making a flower type shape.

Step 4(Sicks Taping)

Take a stick and rap it with a green tape to make it like the stem of the flower take as many sticks as your flowers are and rap the tape on it.

Step 5(Use Glass Jar Or Empty Cane) 

Now you have to choose the vase you can take a glass jar to kept flowers in it glass vase can also be made by using some empty glass and you can put flowers in the glass or take an empty cane and rap gliter fomic sheet of your own choice on it to beautify it for flower vase.

Step 6 (Use Thermapour Into The Glass Jar or Cane )

Thermapur is a sheet you can search for it if you don’t know about it these are mostly used in home stuff.Take some small pieces of thermapour and kept them in a jar.

Step 7(Putting Flowers) 

Now last step is to put the flowers that you have created in the jar.Flowers that are ready put these flowers in a vase beautiful and easy hand made flower vase is ready for you.

These were the 7 simple steps on how to create a flower vase in your home by using simple things like formic sheet for more DIY style and fashion keep visiting and follow me on twitter.

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